Research & Laboratory
Research is the beating heart of innovation in every life sciences company committed to develop and optimize compounds that will ultimately deliver the best possible treatment to patients.
In Research and Laboratory we strive to empower drug discovery organizations to generate the most successful candidates for clinical development by supporting innovation and organizational efficiency. Our business and scientific experts understand the unique challenges faced by researchers in their mission to create cutting-edge drugs and will help you ensure that your scientists work with the most efficient processes and the most advanced scientific software.
Integrated Lab Data Management
Do your researchers struggle having to use multiple inefficient legacy software when it comes to Electronic Lab Notebooks, Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) and sample or inventory management? Our scientific and technical experts help you select and implement the best unified solution for your unique context and integrate it seamlessly with your current software and lab instrument ecosystem, thus elevating the standardization and integrity of your research data.
Modelling and Simulation are key steps in the modern drug discovery process, allowing to select and evaluate the properties of drug candidates. We offer an innovative hosting solution providing a stable environment through managed services and controlled configurations. Our solution will boost your compliance and efficiency through versioning, traceability and flexible computing capacity, thus enabling your scientists to focus solely and smoothly on their biosimulation tasks.
Digital Transformation Advisory
To succeed in the digital age, life sciences companies must take a comprehensive and holistic approach to digital transformation, a crucial element to sustain competitiveness and drive innovation. Our business and technology experts will support you in navigating today’s complex digital ecosystem, helping you define a tailored strategy and roadmap for your successful digital transformation, advising you on the technologies, processes and partnerships that will make your digitalization ambitions a reality.